Need help to date this bottle
I recently purchased this old spritzer bottle and I would like to know more about it. Any help would be appreciated. The bottle is made by Eagle Bottling Works INC., Seattle WA. On the label it abbreviates Washington as WN, which dates it before 1963. I found that this company has been in business since 1917, but not in Seattle.
On the label it says "this bottle registered refilling prohibited" which dates it after prohibition. I would like to narrow down the date if possible. The label is red on a clear bottle. There is an eagle at the top and the label says "Seltzer Water, a healthful mixer, sparkling refreshing, relieves acidity. A tonic, property of Eagle Bottling Works, Inc. Seattle, WN.
On the label it says "this bottle registered refilling prohibited" which dates it after prohibition. I would like to narrow down the date if possible. The label is red on a clear bottle. There is an eagle at the top and the label says "Seltzer Water, a healthful mixer, sparkling refreshing, relieves acidity. A tonic, property of Eagle Bottling Works, Inc. Seattle, WN.
I am no expert on these bottles but I can tell you they were made from the late 19th c. up probably until about the 1950s