Clear Bottle with HS in a circle
I found under an old house floor a bottle with H over the letter S in a circle about 2 inches round. It's about 10 1/8 inches high. Seam goes up to bottom of neck. Rectangular in shape. Will soon post pictures of it. I found some info on it, Twitchell and Schoolcraft NH . Any info would be appreciated until I post pictures. Thanx
Post a photo and we would be glad to assist.
I can say based on the shape this is a whiskey bottle - it's either a fifth or a quart. Age-wise figure either very late 19th c. or early 20th c.
As for the HS monogram, that is going to take a bit more work to unravel the mystery.
You might try searching around on this site: It is an incredible resource of whiskey manufacturers - from the era prior to Prohibition.