Found a bottle...?

I found this bottle while my husband and I was plowing our garden, It was a small neat shaped so we cleaned it up. Very curious about it. Anyone know anything about this bottle?


  • Hello and welcome

    Height? Embossing? Markings on base? Mold seam? Screw top or cork top?
  • 5 inches in height. word on both side is conti, markings on base is a 2 a 5 an 11 with a circle with little triangles on both sides of it. mold seam?? cork top I really don't know much about bottles so was just curious.
  • edited May 2013
    I am going to take a guess here and say this bottle contained vinegar.

    I can say that is an Owens Illinois (bottle maker) mark on the base and the bottle dates to the mid 20th century.

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