I found this bottle in a constuction pit in Des Moines, Iowa. The bottle has a small "diamond" on the bottom and that's it. It also looks like a pontil mark? Circles on the bottom like it was broke off, but they are smooth to touch. The inside of the bottle's base is uneven. There is no seam on the top. It is half full of liquid, most likely water.
The cap is either silver, copper or something. It didn't rust like the junk around it. Cork is intact in the bottle. The cap is decorated on the top like vines with leaves and has a removeable center/top. The underside of the cap says "WIRZ INC CHESTER, PA PAT 5 25 15". I'm guesssing on the patent numbers, they are hard to read and not spaced evenly.
What was this a bottle of and how old is it? It was found by the river in an industrial area. There are 2 hospitals within a half mile of the site. Is it a medical bottle?
My guess is it's from 1840-1900, but I would like a better guess. I'm new to bottles.
Thanks for any info, Eric
The stopper looks to me like those used on toiletry or hair product bottles to dispense small amounts.
Given the color and marking on the base, I would put this in earlier 20th century. The patent date could very well refer to 1915. Try Google Patents to search for the patent although it can be hard to find a patent without a bit more information...