Looks like an early american blown glass covered green swirl sugar bowl. Thoughts?
What do you guys think? I've been studying early american blown glass and think this might be an actual piece. It's green in color and shows the 18th century type of set-in cover with flange. The bowl is patterned in a 24-rib mold showing a design of swirled ribbing to the right. The cover has a sort of lilypad decoration coming down from the finial with an applied flattened swirled button finial and a smooth circular applied foot and pontil. Overall height 6" tall x 4 1/2" tall w/o cover x 2 3/4" opening x 2 5/8" base diameter. There are not really any bubbles in the bowl part of the bowl, if so they are small and sparce. The foot has some larger irregular bubbles. The pontil isn't sharp or rough but is certainly visible. See the 4th picture. Any thoughts or input is greatly appreciated!!
This shade of green is typical of their work.