Glass flask like bottle

edited January 2013 in Question and Answer
We have a flask like clear pumpkin seed bottle. The neck is bent. On the front of the bottle are markings for ounces i assume and other number that i am not sure what they indicate. Conversion does not seem to be mL's, or cc's. the bottle is blown glass with stamp on the bottom. It also appears that the bottle has spent its life on its side with the neck pointing upward. Can anyone tell me what kind of bottle it is.


  • Welcome to the forum

    You are right to think pumpkin seed shape, although that often suggests a whiskey flask to bottle collectors. In this case, the contents would be milk - this is a baby bottle which was fitted with a nipple.

  • Chris

    This makes sense due to the fact that there are measurements on it. Do you have any idea on the year?
  • Late 19th century - early 20th century
  • Thank you chris. I appreiciate it
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