Is this an old Jack Daniel's decanter? Any worth?

edited November 2012 in Question and Answer
I read your forum well and from what I can tell you want to know the following things. The seam goes up the body of the bottle on 2 sides, then stops at the neck. It has embossed on the bottom : CHATT , BOL, and 03. I'm very curious about it.I found it in my great, great grandmothers things in the attic. There are many antiques up there. I will say , I don't know how true it is, but my grandmother once told me that my great great grandmother, being from Tennessee actually courted Mr. Daniels and received it as a gift from him. But you know families , everyone has some kinda "story" lol! I will say however it was very well sealed in plastic and preserved in a shoe box like box .


  • There is lots of interest in Jack Daniels collectibles - perhaps because there are lots of bottles and paraphernalia to collect. I found several of these on ebay which had closed in the $50 range.

    Several folks described this as a "Belle of Lincoln" decanter...I am not sure.
  • Yeah I have been doing some research myself, however there appears to be a problem. They did a reproduction in 1979 of this bottle. The bottle I found is way older than that. My great great grandmother died in 1977. Yet, from what I have read, they don't believe any of these bottles survived from the original production. Here is a link that I read it from. Also the 03 on the bottom of the bottle is believed to represent the date of manufacturing , which would be 1903. So I don't know yet if I have a buried treasure on my hands or not. And according to the link, these special bottles were only given to females that Jack courted, which does correlate to the family "story", I still have some research and contacting the right ppl to do apparently.
  • Interesting. Can you provide some larger format photos of the base of the bottle, the neck and the stopper? Your current photo is tiny.

    I may be able to help you further if I can see some clear close-up shots.

    It would be exciting if you had an original one :-)

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