Non-alcoholic Galliano Bottle

edited July 2012 in Question and Answer
Hello, I have a Galliano bottle that has a label that says non-alcoholic, with a price of $1.80, Made in San Francisco. I have never been able to find anything out about it, when it was made or how much it might be worth. Any suggestions would be appreciated.


  • It's an Italian liqueur distributed by and perhaps bottled by a San Francisco Company.

    If you could show us a photo of the entire bottle and the base and describe the mold seam and base markings, that would help us date the bottle.
  • Here are a couple photos. There are no markings on the bottom, as you can see in the photo the thickness of the edges are uneven. There are 2 seams, one on each side matched up to the bottle design ridges on the lower portion (if that made since), the ridges are raised and obvious but get finer as they go up & are almost non existant at the lip at the top. The bottle is 17 1/4 " tall. There are a few fine small bubbles in the glass, the one on the bottom is the biggest.
    Hope that helps.
  • Ops, I forgot the photos :)
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