An old bottle

Hi all, much like another post I read i have a bottle I found in the crawl space of a home. I was wondering about the marking as it must have been an alcohol bottle. The bottle is square shaped with decorative dots, swires and doodles on it . On the back reads...federal law forbidssale or re-use of this bottle. The front has smooth provisions for labels. At the top is a shield shape. The center is clear about a 3x3 area. Bottom reads 4/5 quart in odd font. The bottom of the bottle reads as follows.

Line 1....3

Line 2......D-126


Line 4...... has a sideways diamond

Line 5....concaved says made in u s a

Any Information would be greatly appreciated.


  • This bottle with its odd decoration has been hard to trace. There is a pint bottle with the same markings as well as a cocktail shaker. What do you think those markings represent?

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