Glass collection

My partner worked construction all over Grand Rapids Michigan. We have a collection of 30 bottle/glass. 25 unique embossed/unique and 5 plain. Some are area specific, local businesses glass containers but we do have a Seven Sutherland Sisters Hair Grower and Roger & Callet Paris. We also have a stone earthenware jug in great condition, Amber/Vanilla. Some blue, some Amber glass. Any help on what, if any,

value these have would be appreciated.


  • Thanks for posting. What I am seeing so far has little value... Condition is really important! The jug is very common without any markings.

    Perhaps the Sutherland Sisters bottle is in good shape...but you do not show the entire piece. The Sutherland bottle if perfect would be the one saleable item.

    Post photos of the other items

  • We weren't thinking they were worth much...the Sutherland Sisters is in great condition no chips etc.. just no stopper. Would you know anything about local to us (Michigan) glass? We have some pieces with no chips.etc that are local Michigan businesses. I can post pictures of those if you do? The jug isn't worth anything? Some decorative sites I've seen they sell for like 20-50$?

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