WSGSD Found a clear glass bottle within a historic area in West Springfield, MA. Could be modern day junk. I don't know. There is a distinct side seam from the bottom of the bottle to lip that is just below the grooves at the top for the twist on cap. From this lip to the to top the seam is not as distinct and I have to hold it against the light just right to see it. On both front/back is ONE QUART printed into the glass. On the bottom is: MISSION BELL (on top perimeter) and WINES (bottom perimeter) Then at center is an odd H like symbol with what looks like a capital A under the symbol's cross bar Next at the center... T.M. ON BOTTLE SHAPE to the left of WINES is an 0 and to the right either an A or 4 (tough to distinguish due to a mold line running through it) I contacted Mission Bell wines, now doing business under a different name. They were no help. Providing a photo attachment. Any idea of the bottle's age or any other info?
jgas443 Mission Bell Wineries, Madera Mission Bell Wineries are, like the Petri Wineries at Escalon (see there), an operating and production name for Allied Grape Growers, the co-operative winery association of some three hundred member growers which purchased both wineries from the Petri family, giving the latter the exclusive marketing rights to its total output. The Mission Bell Winery, with its complex of beautiful buildings in the Spanish Mission style, is a monument to that colorful American of Armenian origin, K. Arakelian, who became one of the most successful figures in the California wine industry and made his Mission Bell wines known through the country. Louis Petri acquired the winery in 1949 and operated it some two years before selling it to Allied Grape Growers. The Mission Bell brand enjoys a large distribution, mainly in the Eastern part of the United States. A full line of table and aperitif and dessert wines is marketed under this brand, covering the lowpriced field. I hope this helps a bit. I think your bottle is post prohibition 1933, screw top with seams all the way up. Just a thought tho. Good luck jgas
WSGSD Thanks for the reply! So right now for an age I'll go with 1933 or later. Not pre 1933. When I contacted the company I was really hoping they'd be able to narrow down when that style of bottle & printing on the bottle was used. You'd think they have records of what's been used over the years or have a company historian to give some insight. Oh well.... If anyone else has info about my bottle, please do a post. Thanks again. WSGSD
staticx32 Judging from the ring below the screw neck and the fact it had a screw cap in general, I would guesstimate it probably as early as the 1940s. Just my opinion though.
historic Bottles containing booz made between 1933 and 1964 (and in some cases later) were marked FEDERAL LAW FORBIDS SALE OR REUSE OF THIS BOTTLE. See my web page on this subject I'm thinking 1960s.