Help identifying bottle
Hi everyone, i found this bottle off a hiking trail adjacent to some farmland. I have found some information on line but still cant pinpoint the year, was hoping someone could help. Thanks.
Hi everyone, i found this bottle off a hiking trail adjacent to some farmland. I have found some information on line but still cant pinpoint the year, was hoping someone could help. Thanks.
I assume this is a Four Roses whiskey bottle. You are not going to get to an exact date but perhaps a range of time.
The ad below is from 1936. Note that it is a SIMILAR but not exact bottle, and that the one shown in the picture has a cork closure so could be a bit earlier.
This image is from Here is the ebay search that I used:
Advertisements can be a good way to identify and date 20th century liquor bottles.
Note that there are other threads in this forum dealing with Four Roses
Thank you very much Chris! Ill see what i can find online, and let you know if anything
Ok, you put me on the right path and i think i found it. Based on this video, its from 1938. He mentions it at the 25 min mark.