Rbryant Thank you for taking the time to read my post. I attended an auction yesterday looking for items other than bottles, but purchased some very interesting bottles and I am hoping someone may have knowledge on this particular bottle. It was described as an "Early 1800's Finely Blown Cobalt Blue Glass Wine Bottle With Cut Design" and I would love to know more about it. The description was that of the auction house and it may or may not be accurate. I will say the bottle is in splendid condition and I see no chips or cracks anywhere. It measures approximately 11-1/4 High. and has a very unique concave bottom. The lip of the bottle has 10 sides to it, which I believe is called a decagon. I thank you in advance for any information you can share.Rbryant
Harry_Pristis Unusual decanter or back-bar bottle. Looks to me to be too elaborate to be hand-blown, but can't say for sure. Are there mold seams?
Rbryant Hi Harry and thank you for your response. I know little to nothing about bottles, but I do not see any seams. I am not sure if the point where the bottom and area where the cut design is, contains a seam, as it looks like an indented line.ThanksRbryant