HELP/ DR JH Mcleans Volvanic oil liniment
I came across a bottle of Dr.J.H Mcleans volcanic oil liniment. It has half full of original contents and has original cork. It even has a metal finger pull on the cork that reads " DR.JH Mcleans med co" can anyone tell me about its age, origin or value??? Thanks so much!
Here's an unusual case - a 19th century medicine that you can still buy today. See this Amazon page.
As for the age of this specific bottle - do you see a mold seam that goes all the way up to the top of the lip? Are there markings on the base? I am guessing this is an early 20th century bottle...possibly even very late 19th c.
I think you will find this is a fairly common bottle. Yours is a bit more unusual having its contents and the marked cork puller.