How to add photos to your posts
REVISED - Feb 2019
(1) If you do not have a user account, create one. Click REGISTER button.
(2) Make sure that you have photos ready on your computer. We encourage you to resize them. Photos coming directly from your digital camera are big on the screen and are big files which can take a long time to upload.
To add photos:
(A) Use the Attachments option when creating a topic or replying - just click on the black attachments icon as shown in the graphic below. Add multiple photos if you like.

(B) Use a picture hosting service of your choice. We like PostImage ( or Flickr or other photo hosting services.
Just copy their code and paste into your forum post.
(1) If you do not have a user account, create one. Click REGISTER button.
(2) Make sure that you have photos ready on your computer. We encourage you to resize them. Photos coming directly from your digital camera are big on the screen and are big files which can take a long time to upload.
To add photos:
(A) Use the Attachments option when creating a topic or replying - just click on the black attachments icon as shown in the graphic below. Add multiple photos if you like.

(B) Use a picture hosting service of your choice. We like PostImage ( or Flickr or other photo hosting services.
Just copy their code and paste into your forum post.