old brown bottle
I found an old brown bottle deep in the woods of indiana.. It has the inscription FEDERAL LAW FORBIDS SALE OR RE-USE OF THIS BOTTLE. On the bottom of the bottle it has D1 over 56-47. If you turn bottle clockwise it has some sort of emblem and the # 29 below...I think it was a bottle designated for liquor but after opening the rusty cap I found a brown liquid that smells like petroleum.. Would someone have an idea of how old the bottle is and what is was used for?
Why not post a photo?
Likely dates to 1940s or 50s.
D1 is the distiller #
Bottle is an Owens-Illinois product.
D-1 is the distiller number which represents the company whose product is in the bottle. There can be many products for a distiller.
I have traced, by way of labeled examples, that D-1 sold the Old Taylor Whiskey brand. Possibly others.