can anybody help
can anybody help me find info on this bottle of liquor been looking for a week can't find this bottle found a lot like it but not same most say napoleon this says fine napoleon or the 50 at bottom of bottle can't find anything with those markings thank you for any help.
The value here is in the contents, not the bottle. I recommend that you go to my web page
There I provide some suggested sites where you can potentially sell or at least value vintage liquor.
I suggest you ask someone at a site like - specifically you have Dupeyron armagnac - Napoleon only refers to the age when bottled. I think you will find plenty of listings for the Dupeyron product online...
I am curious as to where you listed your liquor at auction. eBay does not allow this. Perhaps you consigned it to an auctioneer? I get a lot of inquiries about vintage liquor and am hoping to expand the above referenced page on my website.