KSwisher I got this wine bottle from my father in his bottle collection, but he doesn’t know anything about it. Him and my Gpa like the early pop bottles, my Gpa worked for Pepsi Cola. Alright enough back story. I don’t know much about identifying/dating bottles except what google has to offer but it seems to have no visible seam, dark green, strange conical base, imperfections that come with hand blown craftsmanship I’m guessing. The neck has non-uniformed linear impressions that I thought were design but I’m sure they’re not. Overall great shape, but I need to figure out more about this bottle. It’s weird conical bottom with a bump coming back out, if that makes any sense, is new to me. I’ll try to show up in pictures, any help, or insight is appreciated, thanks
Chris Your bottle is a champagne - this basic shape has not changed in several hundred years. Judging by the details of your bottle, I would guess it to be 19th century.