We picked up this old tequila bottle in a box of Christmas decorations (!) at an auction ov
er the weekend and just posted it on Ebay. Someone bid right away, so wondering if it actually might be worth something? Anyone have any idea? Thanks! Here's a description: Bottle has original labels and embossed "7" on the bottom, along with embossed letters we aren't sure what they mean/say. Has a screw top with some cork inside. Front label is a unique horseshoe shape, open in the center. If you look through the center, inside the bottle, you can see the back of another label that reads: "Elaborado y Garantizado Por Tequila Herradura". Thank you! Bo
ttle also includes a label from the "1921 En La Gran Exposision de Milan, Italia". Bottle measures 11 1/4" x 2 1/2".