I have two old large apothecary bottles, given to me from a pharmacist out of his personal collection, about 20 years ago. I would like to post them for display, some concerns, and maybe values? They are both Cup-bottom mold, mouth blown bottles I believe from 1915 to 1929.
The first bottle I believe is a 2 gallon bottle? The dimensions are 13 1/2" x 5 1/2", on the bottom is the number 8 and letter I in a Triangle. The Illinois Glass Co. pretty sure. The label states "Old Gibraltar" H.A. Compound U.S.P. Kiefer-Stewart Co. Indianapolis. Two 75 year old firms, Kiefer Drug Co. and Daniel Stewart Co. merged in 1915 and became the Kiefer-Stewart Company a wholesale drug firm in Indianapolis. The bottle is in excellent condition, no chip's, I'm not sure if the cork is original, and there are a few bubbles in the glass (round & oval). The original contents, H.A. Compound, would be nice to know? I'm thinking about listing it also so maybe a high and a low value, possible appraisal, would be appreciated. Anything else or comments are also welcome.
The second bottle is a bit more of a mystery. I believe it is a boiling flask? The dimensions are 11" x 5 1/4" and the only markings on the entire bottle are on the stopper. I am sure it is the original stopper, I do know that, 99% at least. It has on the side PATENT 105 with the letter G in a circle. Excellent condition, no chips, also a few bubbles in the glass. A very unique bottle, as is the Old Gibraltar bottle, but I can not find another image of this type of flask? All of the boiling flasks that I have been able to view on line do not have their own base molded to the bottle like this one. When adding liquid the fluid will reach to the most extreme edge of the seam on the base. It seems to have characteristics of what was considered a "custom" bottle. The year of manufacture, the glass company, is it a custom application, and could a value be established? My concerns, thank you for your time. I have uploaded images to Post Image also.
thanks again,