Large brown glass Jug with American eagle

edited October 2011 in Question and Answer
Can someone tell me what this is? I think it was a coin jar that is missing that lid. Does anyone know where I can find the lid. I think its a cool piece. i dont think I could ever collect that many coins to fill it up though. lol

When I flipped it over to take a picture of the bottom, it says 1776 as if it is an anniversary piece of our Indepence.


  • Yes, definitely 1976 or more recent in manufacture.

    It is hard enough finding a single lid for any modern jar except maybe a Ball canning jar. You might try a bottle and jar distributor like but be prepared to pay a premium for a single piece.
  • Thank you for your input, do you know if this piece ever came with a lid? My only research of this jar returned results for someone selling one on ebay witch fetched $50. I really want to know more like manufacturer. There is absolutely no other markings that i can see to help identify one. thanks for all your help and i really do appreciate it. I am no jar collector but when i saw this huge thing i had to have it. I bought it for $2 BUCKS.
  • One might think it easier to discover the manufacturer of a relatively new item compared to one made in the 18th or 19th century, but that is hardly the case. This could have been made in the US, but also just about anywhere in the world. Without a label pointing you to a manufacturer or distributor which you could track down, good luck.

    I cannot tell from your photos if the top is threaded or not. If threaded then it seems it would have been made for a lid. If not, who knows?
  • do you how much one of these is worth?
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