Apothecary Bottle Collection (Estate) ~ 220 Items (Pictures... YES!)

edited October 2011 in Question and Answer
My dad, Marvin Kramer was a big fan of the Baltimore Bottle Show - and bottle collecting - (I even went w/him to two separate Baltimore shows and got to see him as the proverbial "kid in a candy story" - good memories).

Sadly, he died last year. As the Personal Representative of his estate - I have been liquidating his apothecary collection and am now ready to part with the remaining items in his collection - all as one lot (NOT piece by piece).

There are about 220 separate items (really a bit more, b/c as you'll see, some pictures have more than one bottle, or several tins, or more than one book, pamphlet, etc). The items are pharmacy/medical related (Apothecary) and date from the 1850's to the 1940's-50's. They came from all over the east coast, west of the Mississippi river.

Please contact me with any questions/follow up you may have.

Thank you,
AvivA Hoffmann

Please be aware there are two links (one has 200 pictures and the other has only a few more).



Additional information:

If you look carefully at some of the pictures, you will notice (on some - certainly not all) a slight crack in the bottle or label or a slight chip along the opening, etc. Still, these items are a part of long-forgotten history and would make a nice collection for a novice bottle collector - or very cool decor for someone's pharmacy.


  • Well, um, it does not exactly help that part of the collection has been sold (which often means the lot has been picked by previous buyers and these are the "leftovers...") However, there are some decent items in the grouping and I am sure you will not have too much trouble finding a buyer if your price is fair.
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