Horlicks Malted Milk Mixer

The title is on the tip silver part. The bottom of the bottle reads patent No. 5043. 1890307. Does anyone know anything about this.... history, price. We have all kinds of this stuff sitting in a barn in boxes. Have no idea what to do with it all. A bit overwhelmed.


  • Horlicks Malted Milk apparently was incredibly popular - the glass bottles containing the malt syrup are quite common. Your mixer was one of several products that the company sold or gave away.

    I see several identical mixers on ebay that failed to sell at around $20. Apparently collectors prefer the similar devices that have color painted markings on the glass.

    see this search result on ebay
  • Thank you for the info.
  • Perkyang,

    My grandparents had one of these mixers and the glass bottle bottom recently shattered on the floor. The mixer was found last summer on shelf in my parents’ garage. The farm cats get in garage sometimes and knocked it off. Would like to replace the bottom glass portion if you still have any left.

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