Thanks for posting this.
I got a little help and with that am able to point you in a possible direction for this piece. Possible.
I should first say that my gut reaction on first seeing this was: Bohemian. That is decorative glass from eastern Europe which was imported to the US in great quantities in the late 19th and early 20th c. The base could be pot metal but let's hope for better. I cannot tell from your pictures.
The suggestion to me was "Coraline" - a decoration meant to mimic coral. I realize the decoration on your piece is more grass-like.
Take a look at the examples on this page which reference Mt. Washington and Pairpoint glass (two US manufacturers)
Note at the bottom that "much Coraline was exported to the US from Bohemia and Britain" Perhaps the crafts person who made this went off in his own artistic direction.
This is worth some further research or an appraisal. Do let me know what you find out!