Vintage decanter

Trying to see what this decanter is worth and more about it, has theFeceral law forbids sale or re-use of this bottle. Number are 67 6 D-9., I have two others I will put in different posr


  • I have traced the D-9 marking on the base back to the Old Quaker Whiskey and Schenley Whiskey brands. Likely in the 1950s-60s era. With some searching you might turn up a picture with a label to confirm the ID.

    There is not much of a market for plain 20th century decanters. They need a good looking label, packaging and best yet, the original contents, to have some value.

    One does find a lot of plain clear decanters on ebay, for example. Some sell in the $5-10 range but many go unsold.
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