Amethyst large rounded flask age type?

I have become custodian of a large lot of old bottles & am learning about them-this one I couldn't find much info on- has a strange misaligned lip. Larger than normal flasks. Ideas of age or type?


  • Hi and welcome.

    Your bottle is known to collectors as a "pumpkinseed" flask owing to its flat roundish appearance.

    The lip was formed by hand so yes sometimes the final product was less than perfect.

    The purple color comes from the presence of manganese and exposure to UV light. Hard to say if this one is naturally purple from the sun or has been enhanced....probably the latter. Maybe someone else has an opinion on this?

    Age - very late 19th c. or very early 20th c.
  • The color looks right to me. Most of the sharks that irradiate glass do so for profit, and create much darker purples because they are more attractive to most people. The shade of this particular flask is about as dark as I've seen in confirmed natural specimens. Having said that, some "nukers" have become adept at producing lighter purples
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