I can't find any information regarding this particular bottle. It says it's for medicinal purposes only. 100 proof. The bottom says "Full Pint" with a number 4. The oval label on the back says that the "bottle was filled and stamped under the provisions of the Act of Congress, approved March 3, 1897, entitled "An Act to allow the bottling of distilled spirits in bond." It says a lot more in small print. It has the original screw top that reads "Old Quaker Since 1846. It also has part of a red label that says "EXCLUSIVE FEAT - Turn to Break Pilfer Proof". It also has a label on each side of the neck that reads "Fall 1933 Made Spring 1917 Proof 100". The second label reads "Corning Distillery No.22 One Pint". It's hard to read more than that. Would you have any information on this bottle? I don't know if it has any value. Thank you, Mary Ann