Rare (vintage?) bottle/vase/carafe please help identifying and age

edited July 2015 in Question and Answer
Hello i have a bottle which i cant find anywhere it looks quite old (but i'm really not an expert) anyone who van help feel free.

Its a green/blue bottle with a double hand barrel on top.
The glass itselfe containes much air bubbles in it as can seen on the foto's.
It has got some kind of molding chip on the bottom.
No tracés on it from an creator.

Many thnx in advance


  • Hi and welcome to the forum.

    Interesting (and somewhat scary) bottle. Scary because it has been convincingly made to look old.

    Your bottle is meant to resemble early Roman era glass but I do believe it is modern. The rough area on the base is known as a pontil mark or pontil scar.
  • Hi Chris

    Thanks for the help i also looked at ancient roman glasses and can see some resemblance between them.
    but I thought that fakes where not maked in this colour (can't pin it sometimes it looks green or blue but I also can seen some rainbow effects in it at some parts of the glass).
    When it is a fake could it then be a type of expensive art glass?
    I really want to find this out so I appreciate all the help I can get on this one.

    Thanx again for the information.

    Regards Michel
  • Hi everybody i still havent found an answer I went to an antiquair with it and he found it an extraordinary glass but couldn't tell if it's really a Roman glass or not.
    so the search continues.
    if anybody recognize it or can tell me more about it then please do.

    Regards Michel
  • New foto's the last one has been taken in the dark with a flash light in the back of it
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