Can you help me identify this bottle?

I have 6 of these light brown/amber bottles with white etching. They are about 6" tall. Can anyone tell me what type of glass this is? Thank you!


  • Hi

    These appear to be cruet bottles, which would have been fitted with metal closures and sold as a set.

    The glass is clear and has been flashed or stained (see for more info on this technique.

    They are most likely of eastern European origin and date from the late 19th or early 20th century. Glass of this type is collectively called "Bohemian."
  • Thank you! Any idea of their value? There are no markings and I cannot find anything else like them.
  • Here is an auction on ebay for a complete set. Bear in mind that value for a complete set would be very different than for just the bottles.

    bohemian glass cruet set

  • Also consider that an individual asking price is not necessarily a representation of accurate market value.
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