Please help identify....vase?

The piece is just shy of 18" and extremely heavy. It looks black to purplish back when no light is passing through, though the base is clear. The top/ lip looks to be the victim of craft project gone wrong (I purchased the vase (?) at a local thrift store). The design/cut/shape looks hand-cut as its not perfectly uniform in size or shape.
I would love to know more about this item and greatly appreciate any info, help or time given to the matter!

Thank you in advance!


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  • Hmm, have been thinking about this but not sure about it at all. The glass looks cut, not mold blown which suggests a lot of work went into making it.

    Does the last picture suggest that the base is drilled, as in possibly for a lamp?

    Are there any markings or engraved letters on the base?

    What is going on at the top where all the beads are - is it wide open as in the opening is the full width? A picture that shows the top looking down on it would be helpful.

    It is modern studio art glass - finding out who made it is the big task which I probably won't be able to help with..
  • Hi Chris!
    Thank you so much for looking at it.

    The opening is 1.5" measuring from one side to the other- the diameter as a whole is just shy of 2" and the total circumference is 7"
    The base circumference, at its largest point, measures 20" around.

    I am not sure what's going on with the bead job up top.:) The exterior presents of hot glue leads me to believe a valiant effort, but poorly done craft job is behind the beads. As esthetically displeasing as they are, I was told the beads are gemstones assumably from an older piece of jewelry. There is a bevel or lip that the beads cover (see pic). Something may or may not have been there originally but I'd love to know what the heck this is. I've never found such difficulties attempting to identify something:/.

    Lamp? That's an interesting possibility. However, Im not seeing a drill mark. Would it require a certain angle of light to see it?

    I do see what I thought was etched marks but it's also highly possible they are scratches. The base also has some marks that may be construed as identifying but then again my newly found interest in glass makes me less than capable of being able to distinguish flaws from facts to normal wear and tear.

    Thanks again for your time! Any additional info/ input you may have after reading this would be much appreciated.

  • For the record, I should have clarified that I do not agree the beads are gemstone but It's the only other feedback I've received and wanted to provide all the input/info I have...

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