Need help identifying group of beer bottles

I found what appears to be a bunch of beer bottles within a local woods. They had to be dug out somewhat, but I'm not sure how old they are. I'm new to bottle hunting, as I just started out recently. I figured they had to have some age to them, as they don't add words directly into the glass anymore. Everything is printed nowadays, or at least most are.

All but one are duraglass 1-Way. I did some searching, but I can't come to any conclusive solution as to where to exactly pinpoint a date or decade. I read somewhere that the numbers at the top right, 52, indicates the year that it was made. However, I can't even be sure on that.

If anyone knows anything, it would greatly be appreciated. I would like to get into bottle hunting, as there are a lot of great places where I live, that no one has touched. And if I could make a few extra dollars along the way, that would be nice. However, if these are worthless, at least I'd be doing nature a favor and recycling them.
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