poolie I would love some guidance or advice on these bottles. Age, manufacturer, what was in them? My inlaws have a cottage on one of the lakes in muskoka canada. They often talk about how their bunkie (sp?) was a general store up until 1950. I decided to spend last week diving in front of the store and managed to find these three beautiful bottles buried deep in the silt. Suffice it to say it became a real adventure and I must have been diving for 10+ hours and at deep depths. One is very small and looks to be an old medicine bottle. The dark one has no markings or labels and could be quite recent (as it wasn't too deep and had a cork still inside. The tall clear one that has the shield look on both sides is also a complete mystery, its 9.5 inches tall. Only says 25 oz and is very thick. Any advice on these three would be really helpful, I have a large family clamoring for answers.
Chris The amber bottle is whiskey, early 20th c. The clear bottle with a rectangular body is a generic medicine bottle, also early 20th c.The clear screw top bottle is a household product of some sort like a cleaning solution. The sunburst pattern on the bottom may be a clue to the brand / marketing. The only path forward for further info would be to track down a labeled example...not easy but with image search it may be possible.