REVISED - Feb 2025
You can add photos to your post directly within the forum, or you can use an image service like Imgur or PostImage.
Create Account
(1) If you do not have a user account, create one. Click "Sign Up" in the upper right
(2) Make sure that you have photos ready on your computer. We encourage you to resize them but you don't have to.
To add photos:
(A) Use the Attachments option when creating a topic or replying - just click on the attachments icon as shown in the graphic below. Select and add multiple photos if you like.

A block of code will be inserted which will display your pictures.
We like PostImage ( because it is very easy! Click on "Choose Images" then select what you have on your computer. A new page appears. Grab the "Hotlink for forums" code and paste it into your forum post along with your questions and text. You do NOT need an account there.

Use is free and quite popular, but does require an account to upload photos and get the code to insert here in this forum. Click the green "New Post" button then drag your images onto the page. Then you need to click on your user ID in the upper right then select "Images." Click on an image thumbnail then grab the BBCODE to paste here in your forum post. It is easy to grab the code by clicking on the blue "Copy" button.