hello I have been collecting older glass bottles. when I was visiting my sister I came accost 3 brown glass bottles.
#1. this one 1845 on the bottom with a 7 then a circle with the letter i inside (i) then a number 1. on the glass itself it goes from 100 to 500ml on the side. there is a spring like rubber cork lid on top.
#2 this one is a 24oz brown bottle with the numbers 9 then the circle with the i inside (i) then a 7. and under that there is a number 10. this one has a plastic lid on it so i do not think its super old but i am curious,
#3... this one is a huge mystery to me. this one is brown as well but it has the number 6 then a diamond with the circle then i inside then a 2.. under that there is a number 4. this one has a orange metal lid, the mystery part that it is almost half full of some type of dark liquid.