I seemed to have just bought two of these on Ebay, probably the same two mentioned above. I love A Van Hoboken bottles and have three(now 5). When I received them I was suspicious, the bottoms have been ground flat, they don't curve up at the tips as the case gin usually does. They could be a real late bottling. The glass was not whittled and was not blown but mold formed. Color is odd and then theres that odd ground open top/spout ???. What purpose such a large hole. This could be a reproduction fake, they are pretty but not particularly interesting as the embossing is much like an overly tumbled bottle with little sharpness that you would get in a mold formed bottle. no sign of sick glass or any burial marking. Im suspect at least. Well, I guess I own them for 160.00 US. The seller wanted 189.00 US I asked for a discount and he gave me it. They will make a good vase but nothing more i fear.