I have three of these D.R.G.M. Germany pieces. I am trying to figure out what they were.
They all have clear glass bases. Two still have screw-on white ceramic lids with eight small holes in the top of each. All have emerald green faceted and pointed jewel tops intended to surmount the white ceramic shaker lids.
The clear glass bases are all about 1-5/8” diameter x 2-1/2” high. The two remaining ceramic shaker lids are about 1” diameter x 9/16” high.
Affixed to the shaker lids, by a metal piece descending into a hole in the centre of the lid and screwed, by an internal thread, into the jewel tone green glass of which it is comprised, are the decorative faceted toppers. These attach loosely so that, when the entire assembly is turned upside down, the container contents could be sprinkled. When the container is sitting on its base, the topper falls closed.

Altogether, when assembled, the total height would be about 3-1/4”.
Two of the clear glass bases are inscribed with an incised starburst and the incised words:
I know this was a patent-like utility model protection used from 1891 until post-WWII.
The third clear glass base is of the same dimensions but unmarked except for an inscribed starburst.
Mom had them among some unmatched salt and pepper shakers, and I initially thought these might have been tableware of the same nature. I am thinking now that they were more likely to have been containers for some sort of liquid.
Has anyone encountered pieces like these before? I am normally really good at figuring things out on my own, but these have me stumped. Thanks in advance for any help provided.