Dating Small Hazel-Atlas Cobalt Blue Bottle

I've dug up this exact bottle in my back yard, along with fragments of a china plate, broken glass, nails, etc. stuffed inside what appears to be a car muffler or very large squashed can. The only difference from my bottle is that the ejection scar(?) seen in photo #15 is more prominent.

Given HA didn't expand to California until 1929 (source, p24) that's probably our lower bound. If I understand this correctly (p 28), HA started putting date codes in 1957 or so, but the author might have been referring to only mason jars. Thus, I'm guessing a range of 1929-1957. Based on property records I hesitantly suggest an upper bound of October 1952 but that should be taken with a few hundred grains of salt.

Any additional insights would be greatly appreciated, as that'll help me date the other debris.


  • edited January 25

    Okay I found several other artifacts in the same can, three Owens-Illinois bottles confidently dated to 1931, 1932, and 1933. This inclines me to believe this bottle dates from about the same time period, the early 1930s.

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