Hey there, I'm the new guy. I've just registered after researching some information on where to find manufacturing dates for certain soda bottles. Where do I find a list of contacts or the admin department if I have additional questions? I have tons of bottles and will surely have plenty of questions going forward but I noticed that the most recent discussions were 2 yrs or older. Or at least they were for what I was researching. Is this forum still active?
To start. What would I be looking at on a 7-up bottle? Looking at the base on one of my bottles, it is showing ' G-94 with Duraglas in cursive underneath, then the # 3, beside this is a circle with either a 1 or an I enclosed in the circle,then the # 59. Then lastly there is a 17 underneath the 3 O 59.... is the manufacturing date March of 1959? Thanks